The Boss Game [ Early Access ]

The early access of The Boss Game

Welcome to the early access of The Boss Game. In this game, you will play as a boy who is trying to complete every single rush available for him. The rush is an arena created specifically for rushers to fight a set of boss in one run. If they failed, they will either lost their life or has a second chance. The boy or the player has the respawn crown on their head, so they can have infinite amount of tries.

About The Boss Game

A low-quality game by a low-quality person like me. The game's main focus is to rush through bosses and complete all the rush available for you to complete. There is a story in this game as well as some character, they can be seen during dialogues.

1 chapter in the game equal to 1 update for the game. 

Also, this game is currently in early access. So, expect some or more bugs in the game. And good luck beating every single rush on SUPER difficulty!

Files 44 MB
63 days ago

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